♥ you're free to leave but just dont deceive me, and please believe me when i say..
Thursday, December 25, 2008 ' ♥
qiingg's thoughts ; 3:00 PM
merry christmas everyone!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008 ' ♥
qiingg's thoughts ; 9:58 PM
yesh!! another post with pics. this time is about that stupid 2 day course at school. it is so boring and the teachers a bit very high la. haha. is like teaching kindergarden kids. haha.. so i brought my cam to school and we took photos. but most of the pics still with weiling and i havent get them yet! hehe.
yesterday, a normal friday, went to watch jasper danzation. never knew that jasper can dance so well. haha. even though only for the start. :) but dont know why xiang looks like the one who danced the most! and more popular.
today, went to rebond my hair! haha. plus my frindge is like OMG! haha.
and the one below is one od my other creation! haha..
Thursday, December 11, 2008 ' ♥
qiingg's thoughts ; 11:19 PM
hello everyone! sorry for those lyrics and songs cause i really have no idea of what to blog about. then jasper said about posting pics while i have a digital camera but then the most dreadful part of that is to take the photos out of it! hahaha.. but then i think i still have to do it so i will be posting all the photos i have taken ever since i had my camera! so enjoy..
was just checking out my new digi camera when i first got it. haha.. look how cute bobo is.. :)
snapshot of melisa in the lecture hall. forgotten to turn off the flash! haha.. good thing that no one actually notice it.
another shot of myself when going to meet jasper for dinner. that's us at HANS. and one of those decos on orchard.
i am just so talented to take photo like this. haha.. artisic rite?? :) the other one is what it is really supposed to be.
self portraits!
went to clarity cafe for dinner with jasper and vincent. haha. SNAPSHOTS!
what we ate! haha.. so very full!
to really end that day well...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 ' ♥
qiingg's thoughts ; 9:34 PM
我坐在床前,望着窗外,脑海里浮现以往的画面。总觉得时间过得很快,一下就把所有的记忆偷走了。好像还记得七岁的那年,和大家一起抓住的那只蝉,我们都以为能停止时间。但时间却不等人,一转眼就到了十七岁了。在那年,交了男朋友,他吻了我的脸。我们都以为我们能到永远... 这世上是否有任何事情能让永远都不改变。让我们守护着那美丽的回忆,不让人间事破坏它。让我们都拥有着那年的青春,让那生离和死别都离我们远去。但这些渴望又有谁听见?我坐在床前,忽然回头看,那是谁?是谁在我背后沉睡?那一张苍老的脸... 好像是我... 在我身边,有爱我的,我曾深爱的人。我还来不及... 来不及带走所有的遗憾与眷恋。我哭了。这世上是否有那么一滴眼泪能够洗了我这一生中所有的后悔。就让这滴眼泪变成大雨吧,把我眼前的视线都模糊吧。这样我就能有多一次的机会把我的故事重新改写,让我能再一次对他说声对不起... 这世上又是否有个世界是永远都不会天黑的呢?星星,月亮,太阳和所有万物是否会有一天都听我的指挥呢?这样我会让月亮永远都是满月的,让我们处的季节里永远都是春天。我也想让我身边的事物都和我们一样相爱,就像树梢如何紧紧地抱着树叶。那么这些愿望,又有谁能够听见... 我们总会有一天回到我们原来的地方。当到了那个地方,我们又将变成什么呢?我想... 我想变成这世界上永远不会凋谢的玫瑰。这样,我能够永远的那么骄傲,永远的那么完美,不管四周环境如何都从不妥协。因为我不想我未来的生命最终只能像一张纸屑,白白浪费,还倒不如活得像一片花瓣,虽不是永远的灿烂,但也曾经鲜艳过... 我或许能够化为一张书签。这样我能够把时间静止在那一天,静止在那满载笑脸而且是我人生中最美好的那一年。在年少时光里,我们书包里带的都是欢笑,眼中都是无猜与无邪。也就是在这一个年华里,我们能无法无天... 时光能不能不要停止?就像一首诗篇永远找不到句点,能拔去噢们的青春痘所在那个岁月里。在那时候,所有的人都很单纯。男孩就有吉他,女孩就有舞鞋,大家都忘了生活中所有的苦痛,只留下甜美的记忆... 明天是否会有些不一样?明天能不能让我重新得再活一次?好让我能再一次感受到那曾经挥霍的日子,也就这样我的故事才不会那么的后悔。这些愿望,这些期许,到底有谁能听见?我真的不想要告别!但一切都太迟了。我现在坐在床前,看看自己的指尖,一切都已经如烟...